Welcome to St Edmund of Canterbury, Hayes the Friendly Church in the heart of Yeading.
Do explore our website to see who we are and what we do. You are welcome to come and join us.
Thursday 3rd October
No Morning Prayer in Church
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Saturday 5th October
10 am - 12 noon Foodbank
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity 6th October
10 am Family Harvest Festival with Eucharist
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Monday 7th October
9 am Morning Prayer in Church
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
8 pm Choir Practice
Tuesday 8th October
9 am Morning Prayer in Church
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
8pm Food for Thought (Bible Study)
Wednesday 9th October
8:15 am Morning Prayer in Church
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Thursday 10th October
10am Morning Prayer in Church
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Saturday 12th October
10 am - 12 noon Foodbank
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity 13th October
10 am Sung Eucharist
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Monday 14th October
9 am Morning Prayer in Church
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
8 pm Choir Practice
Tuesday 15th October
9 am Morning Prayer in Church
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
8pm Food for Thought (Bible Study)
Wednesday 16th October
8:15 am Morning Prayer in Church
1:30 pm Elderberries - a social event for our seniors
5 pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
7:30 pm Deanery Synod Meeting
Upcoming dates
Saturday 2nd November
3:00 pm Annual All Souls-tide Bereavement Service
Saturday 7th December
2 pm - 5pm Christmas Fair
Our Annual Meetings were on Sunday 28th April. All the reports and the new PCC are on the above tab.
Here is the link
for Evening
Prayer on Zoom at 5pm every day except Fridays. We use the liturgy on the Daily Prayer App.
Of course, you can also join us in person in church for morning prayer most days as above.
Weekly Mailchimp Email:
If you would like to receive a weekly email from St Edmund's with news, prayers and links to our Virtual Service then please fill in this form. You can easily unsubscribe at any time with one click. Your email address is secure and we do not pass it on to anyone else.
Whom to contact:
Vicar: The Rev'd Peter Mackenzie
0208 561 2510
Associate Priest: Fr Ken Buckler
07909 970545
Curate: The Rev'd Vanessa Thornborough click here to email
Pastoral Assistant: Debbie Pugh 01895 635936
John Fletcher 07527518892
Tina Russell 07947210417
At St Edmund's we care deeply about the well-being and safety of all our young people. Our safeguarding policy and team are displayed at the back of church and can be found on the "Safeguarding" tab at the top of this page.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer can be contacted on safeguarding@stedmundschurch.com
Data Protection
By viewing our website your IP address, browser details, times of visits, etc. may be logged and used for statistical purposes, network security and fraud prevention. This helps us to monitor how effectively the site is working. Be assured that we never profile normal visitors to the site or invasively monitor them. The statistical data will be used by ourselves and may also be used by our website provider to help provide the service. The legal basis for processing this information is Legitimate Interest.
checkout our videos on youtube or facebook but not twitter whatsapp instagram ebay amazon netflix yahoo or hotmail. You can find us on Google maps. If the weather outlook is good news indeed then let off steam and do not sow discord.