St Edmund of Canterbury, Hayes

Annual Meeting


Parish of St Edmund of Canterbury, Hayes

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners and The Annual Parochial Church Meeting was held in the Church on Sunday the 28th day of April 2024

Our Churchwardens for 2024 -2025 are John Fletcher and Tina Russell

We elected and co-opted ten parochial representatives of the laity to the PCC so that our PCC is as follows –

Peter Mackenzie                     *         Vicar ex officio; Chair

Vanessa Thornborough         *         Curate ex officio as licensed clergy

John Fletcher                           *         Churchwarden ex officio;

Tina Russell                             *         Churchwarden ex officio; Lay Vice Chair

Helen Dimmock                                 ex officio Deanery Synod Member (elected at APCM 2023)

Marshall Watson                              ex officio Deanery Synod Member (elected by PCC November 2023)

Pauline Byles                                     elected;                

Sylvia Lestrade                                 elected;

Susan Kadim                           *         elected; Treasurer

Samuella Koroma                             elected;

Sunita Padruth                        *         elected; PCC Secretary

Claire Picton                                      elected;

Debbie Pugh                            *         elected;

Jermaine Thomas                             elected;

Samantha Vaughan                          elected; Children’s Advocate

Jeffrey Watson                        *         elected;

Fr Ken Buckler                                  co-opted June 6th 2023

          *         denotes Standing Committee Member

NB: at the APCM there were 10 nominations for 9 places.  The meeting voted to use a co-option to admit all nominees to the PCC.

Finance Report

Full Examiner's Financial report

Choir and Children's Work Reports

Nomination Forms


PCC Members