Annual Meeting
Peter Mackenzie * Vicar ex officio; Chair
Vanessa Thornborough * Curate ex officio as licensed clergy
John Fletcher * Churchwarden ex officio;
Tina Russell * Churchwarden ex officio; Lay Vice Chair
Helen Dimmock ex officio Deanery Synod Member (elected at APCM 2023)
Marshall Watson ex officio Deanery Synod Member (elected by PCC November 2023)
Pauline Byles elected;
Sylvia Lestrade elected;
Susan Kadim * elected; Treasurer
Samuella Koroma elected;
Sunita Padruth * elected; PCC Secretary
Claire Picton elected;
Debbie Pugh * elected;
Jermaine Thomas elected;
Samantha Vaughan elected; Children’s Advocate
Jeffrey Watson * elected;
Fr Ken Buckler co-opted June 6th 2023
* denotes Standing Committee Member
NB: at the APCM there were 10 nominations for 9 places. The meeting voted to use a co-option to admit all nominees to the PCC.