St Edmund of Canterbury, Hayes


The Parochial Church Council is the body responsible together with the Vicar to promote the mission of the church in the parish.  It meets six times a year.

PCC members will find some helpful tips here.


The Parochial Church Council of St Edmund of Canterbury, Hayes

2024 to 2025


Peter Mackenzie           *  Vicar ex officio; Chair

Vanessa Thornborough *  Curate ex officio as licensed clergy

John Fletcher                * Churchwarden ex officio;

Tina Russell                  * Churchwarden ex officio; Lay Vice Chair

Helen Dimmock            ex officio Deanery Synod Member        (elected at APCM 2023)

Marshall Watson            ex officio Deanery Synod Member (elected by PCC November 2023)

Pauline Byles                 elected;                

Sylvia Lestrade              elected;

Susan Kadim                 * elected; Treasurer

Samuella Koroma          elected;

Sunita Padruth               * elected; PCC Secretary

Claire Picton                  elected;

Debbie Pugh                 *  elected;

Jermaine Thomas         elected;

Samantha Vaughan      elected; Children’s Advocate

Jeffrey Watson              *  elected;

Fr Ken Buckler              co-opted June 6th 2023

 *  denotes Standing Committee Member

NB: at the APCM there were 10 nominations for 9 places.  The meeting voted to use a co-option to admit all nominees to the PCC.

Other Officers not on the PCC

Sharon Watson                       Electoral Roll Officer

Jenny Reid                               Safeguarding Officer

Proposed Dates of PCC meetings in 2022-23

Tuesday 14th May 2024 7:30 pm   Agenda for the 14th May

Tuesday 9th July 2024 7:30 pm

Tuesday 10th September 2024 7:30 pm

Tuesday 12th November 2024 7:30 pm

Tuesday 21st January 2025 7:30 pm      

Tuesday 18th March 2025 7:30 pm

APCM Sunday 18th May 2025 after the 10 am Service